Meema (Dede Kinderdine), at the age of 90 and after a year of battling for her life, finally fulfilling her dream bucket list balloon flight. With her extended family by her side, she took her maiden voyage with Rohr Balloons. Brian Rohr was thrilled to experience this dream with her and said “This is why I do what I do. I’ll never get tired of seeing the joy in my passengers faces, especially when they’ve lived as long as Meema and I’m able to help them fulfill a life’s wish.” Brian’s sister Lauren Rohr, filmed and created the video for the family. It was obvious to everyone in attendance what a special moment this was for Meema.
Meema, along with 11 of her family members, including her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, flew for an hour over the McKinney, TX countryside. Meema passed away at the age of 91, and we’re honored that we were able to meet her and experience such a touching milestone, so full of love, while she was with us. We wanted to share this video to inspire everyone and any age to go for their dreams and fulfill their bucket list!